Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interview with HBComics Crew, and Vindication #3 Review at Secret Identity Podcast!

Hey Guys, lookie what we found.

Head on over to our FAVORITE comics podcast, the Secret Identity Podcast, for some HBComics goodness...specificly, a review of our very own Vindication #3, as well as a creator interview with yours truly, and my ever-present brother Alan (the Hebert Brothers as we are more formally known) recorded at the Boston Comiccon earlier this year.
Vindication #3, By Chris Hebert
and Danny White
As a special treat, the "creator confidential" interview contains an announcement...the name of our "Un-announced" third on-going title, to be released late next year! What is the name of this new comic, you ask?

Go now! And listen to the podcast to find out!

Click here for the episode!


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