Thursday, January 24, 2013

HBComics 2013 Line up!

Hey everyone!

I know many of you probably thought we had disappeared....well, that couldn't be further from the truth. We've had a busy year end, and an equally busy year begining....but now we are back full swing into things.

And I ask, what better way to begin a new year then bringing back the Lazerblog?

So we are going to start things off with a bang over here, with a run down of what we have planned for 2013:

First up, we will have some new 4-pagers for you:

Lazerman: Due Date

 Lazerman has battled supervillians, giant robots, gun-toting thugs and zombies..but his newest challenge is of a completely different nature...

Written by Alan Hebert, Art by Harold Cupec
Coming in February to

Lazerman: Second Class

Lazerman has to wrestle with secret identity issues when he saves a girl from his alter ego's class...will he be recognized? And has he blown his cover?

Written by Chris and Alan Hebert,
Art by Fernando "The Fern" Martin

Surge: Always Him

The hunters become the prey, as Surge takes on a group of urban "predators"...and Surge finds he is not the only one doing the tracking.

Written by Alan Hebert,
Art by Rick Lozano

ALSO, we will be bringing back HARDCORE and Lethal to with full-sized stories, starting with....

Hardcore and Lethal: Big Trouble in Little Graceland.

We bring you back to the beginning as we (re)visit Hardcore and Lethal's origins, with a "remastered" take on the FIRST HC&L story!

Written by Danny Donovan
Art by D.C. White

And of course, our regular sized print issues will continue with...

Lazerman #8

"The Strange Tale of Mysteryman" begins..the mystery unfolds as we answer the question...who is Mysteryman!?

Written by Alan Hebert
Art By Chris Hebert
coming April 2013

Vindication #5

"Frenzy" continues...Surge confronts a vigilante from his past, as Imogen, Speedfire and Barrier confront a threat that may prove too much for them to handle!

Written By Chris Hebert
Art by D.C. White

Lazerman #9 

Lazerman and his newfound ally are tested as they square off with against a quartet of beautiful, but deadly Jewel thieves!

Written By Alan Hebert
Art By Chris Hebert

HBComics' Mysteryman #1

Mysteryman takes center stage in his own series, as a devious new threat emerges, manipulating New York's oldest organized crime family, in POISONED VALUES

Written by Ken Youngquist
Art by Fernando "The Fern" Martin

and, of course....

"Lazerman: This Man, This Lazer" Trade Paperback
March 2013

Remember everyone...right now these are all PLANNED releases for 2013. Anything with a specific date is set...everything else is subject to change...we will update release dates as we get closer.

Here's to a great year, and see you next blog!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

I am....

A quick review of what I do...

I recieve the script for the project, and it's my job to translate it. I have to interpret the dialogue into motivations of the chartacters, and co-ordinate all the interactions, and inform the actors performances.

This makes me the Director.

I also have to carry out those performances.

This makes me an actor.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lazerman: Night of the Necrolord!

Since I'm  at home this week with the new baby, I've spent some time going through some of our books in between diaper changes, and plotting out the next few pages of Lazerman #7, which is the final issue in Lazerman's "Night of the Necrolord" story arc.

In looking at all of this, I find myself incredibly proud of this story, and how it's coming along...Honestly, I believe this is easily the best work me and Alan have ever put out. So I thought I'd take a moment to ask everyone to take a look at the Arc so far, and if you don't own the issues yet, consider giving the series a try starting with this story...

Lazerman #5: Night of the Necrolord Part 1

Rested and recovered from his fight at the statue of liberty, Lazerman is ready to make his triumphant return...only to suddenly find New York under attack from a legion a Zombies! Is he strong enough to battle a horde of the undead? The "Night of the Necrolord" has begun!

Lazerman #6: Night of the Necrolord, part 2

Lazerman has scattered the mob of zombies, and the city has seemingly been saved from the grip of the undead terror...but has the crisis really been averted, or is a more sinister plan unfolding? The night of the Necrolord Continues!

Seriously guys, this is an excellent doorway into the Lazerman story (and WITHOUT a reboot!), and I urge you guys to pick up the books, or at least go to the links above and check out the five page preview of each to see what I'm talking about. It's also the perfect way to get revved up for the release of issue 7, the final part of the "Night of the Necrolord" story, which we are hard at work on now (and is coming out great, btw!)

Lazerman #7: Night of the Necrolord,
part 3....Coming soon!

So please support HBComics by checking these out! Welcome to the NEW Mainstream!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ashlyn Savanah Hebert, Born 9/10/11

Hello all.

This is Chris from HBComics, humbly asking you to join me in welcoming my new daughter, Ashlyn Savanah Hebert, to this world.

I mentioned in a previous blog we wouldn't be able to do any more conventions this year because my wife was I am thrilled to announce the new baby is here, and Mom and baby are both doing wonderfull.

Ashlyn was born at 4:43 PM, weiging in at a teeny-tiny 5 pounds, 13 ounces.

My daughter Lorelai welcoming her new baby sister.

Thanks everyone for their that Ashlyn is finally here, the next week will be spent  changing diapers, helping out Ma-Ma, and drawing some Lazerman.

Life is good.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interview with HBComics Crew, and Vindication #3 Review at Secret Identity Podcast!

Hey Guys, lookie what we found.

Head on over to our FAVORITE comics podcast, the Secret Identity Podcast, for some HBComics goodness...specificly, a review of our very own Vindication #3, as well as a creator interview with yours truly, and my ever-present brother Alan (the Hebert Brothers as we are more formally known) recorded at the Boston Comiccon earlier this year.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Flashback: The Art of Cheating, Part II: The CHEATING of ART

Well, just as before, the "Cheating" blog we re-posted generated a lot of discussion, both here at the blog and at the facebook links I posted it on. It seemed to strike enough of a chord in people that about a year later, I had written a second part to it...partially because of how popular it was, and secondly because I had more to say about the subject. It was partially because news had been circulating about a few artists that

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Flashback: The ART of CHEATING

Once I decided I was going to do "flashback" blog, pulled from the archives of Myspace, I knew two blogs in particular that I knew would be on the list or re-post...starting with what i though was a thought-provoking post I called "The ART of CHEATING."