Sunday, September 25, 2011

I am....

A quick review of what I do...

I recieve the script for the project, and it's my job to translate it. I have to interpret the dialogue into motivations of the chartacters, and co-ordinate all the interactions, and inform the actors performances.

This makes me the Director.

I also have to carry out those performances.

This makes me an actor.

In fact, Not only an actor, but all the actors. And the extras.

I also have to decide who those extras are, what they look like. What they are doing, and where they are going. And not just the extras, but the supporting cast. The scientist with one he fat? Bald? Black, white, hispanic? Is it a woman? Is he/she old?

So I'm also the casting director.

And the second unit director, for that matter.

Of course I also have to decide how they are dressed...what style best fits the main character? Does he dress like a goth, in T-shirts and jeans, or is he dressed in the latest fashion from that trendy mall store?

That would make me the costume designer.

But what about the world where the story takes place? The script might say "a city street", but what kind of neighborhood is it? Is there a pizza place on the corner, or a hotel entrance? Perhaps there is construction visible down the street? Is there a cell phone on the endtable in the dorm room? Or a poster on the wall?

That means I'm the location scout. And the set designer. And the prop master.

But as we all know all of that could not even begin until the visual style is settled on...should these locations be realistic? Or somewhat surreal? Gritty?

So I'm also the production designer, as well as the concept artist.

Once the locations are decided there is the small matter of atmostphere and lighting...both of which I'm also responsible for.

Which also makes me The gaffer, lighting director, and best boy.

Once the locations are all set, it's time to figure out how the actual story plays fast does the action move? Do I use a sweeping overhead shot to establish the location, or a worms eye view? A tight close-up, or should we pull the camera back to show the scale? Which direction does the action flow?

All of which make me the story-board artist, and cinematographer.. well as stunt director, and stunt choreographer

All this work would be wasted in the sound effects overpowered the story, or weren't given the proper impact. Whether audio sound, or visual sound cues, they need to balanced with the other elements.

So add sound editor, mixer, and folley artist to the mix.

Director, Actor, Extra, Casting Director, second unit director, costume designer, makeup artist, hairstylist, location scout, set designer, Prop master, production designer, concept artist, gaffer, lighting director, best boy, story board artist, cinemetographer, stunt director, stunt choreographer, sound editor, folley artist....

Am I "Just a comic book artist?"

Damn right I am.


1 comment:

  1. also, accountant, editor, business manager, marketing director, fulfillment supervisor...
